2021 Innova Calendar Contest

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Give Us Your Best Shot(s)

Every fall we turn to you, the disc golf community, to share your best disc golf photos for consideration in our annual Innova Calendar. The 2021 Calendar Contest is now open! To enter, visit the contest page. Have great shots in several categories? Right on! You can submit multiple entries. 16 winners will be chosen and each will receive (1) Innova 2021 calendar, (6) stock discs of their choice (non-tour series, etc.), (1) Desktop DISCatcher.

Photo Categories

We’re looking for photos featuring Innova discs, targets and gear in four categories: 1) Scenic course photos featuring Innova Discatchers; 2) Seasonal photos (fall colors, winter snow, summer heat); 3) Friends, family and pets; 4) The most unique and creative disc golf images. It’s for the Innova calendar so featuring Innova discs, Discatchers, and gear is key. Also, submitted photos must be yours and should be in landscape orientation, minimum 3000×2000 pixels in size. Check your image size at pictorem.com. Read the complete terms and conditions.

Vote for your Favorites

Whether you’ve entered the contest or not, vote for your favorites in the submission gallery.