The Heat is On!

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Jeff Layland’s smooth shots sealed the win at the Solstice Summer Sizzler. Phil Arthur and Kris Orrick made it a sweep by filling out the top three spots. At the Eldorado Open, Philo Brathwaite, Bobby Musick, and Micah Dorius all tied for the win, but there can be only one… and it was Philo. Heating up the East Coast, Mike Moser and Joe Mela go 1-2 in Pennsylvania. Kevin McCoy and Courtney McCoy take the cake in Georgia. Brian Schweberger wins by 13 in North Carolina.

Innova was all over the leader board at the Minnesota Majestic NT. Valarie Jenkins gets another win, with Des Reading taking second in the womens field. Peter Shive wins in Senior Grandmasters. Innova took 7 of the top 10 spots in the Open division. Avery Jenkins (3rd), Josh Anthon (4th), Ken Climo (6th), Dave Feldberg, Barry Schultz, Jay Reading, and Ken Franks tie for 7th.