
With Great Flexibility, Comes Great Response
GStar is a new blend of Star that adds flexibility and even more grip. GStar is opaque like Star, but features a pearlescent sheen. Their allure is only surpassed by their beautiful flight. GStar discs have a smooth, gradual transition in flight and the same durability as our Star Line. WINNERS PICKED!
More about GStar
The debut GStar line up includes the Leopard, Aviar, Dart, Skeeter, Mamba, and the Paul McBeth signature GStar Krait. One unique characteristic is GStar’s ability to return to it’s original shape quickly after flexing. The added flex and grip make GStar perfect for cold weather. These 6 models are already on their way around the World. Contact your local dealer for exact delivery dates. Look for more GStar models coming soon!
How Can I enter?!
Five lucky fans will each win all 6 GStar release models. For your chance to win, use the widget below with your favorite social network (or all three) to enter. Entry into the contest ends on 2/11/2014 at 12:01am Pacific Time. This post will be updated with the winners on the morning of 2/11/2014. Good Luck Everyone!Congratulations to our winners! Each of these lucky fans will receive all 6 GStar release models
- Tyler Thomason – Liked us on Facebook
- Matt Petrie – Liked us on Facebook
- Timothy Feret – Circled us on Google+
- Dan Ford – Tweeted about the Giveaway
- Adam Rittenhouse – Followed us on Twitter