Innova LOC8™ GPS System

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Phones have it. Cars have it. Some cameras and watches even have it. We put four and fore together and came up with LOC8™. We’re proud to announce the first GPS trackable disc system, INNOVA LOC8™. LOC8™ features GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, and NFC all packaged together in a micro-chip, molded directly into the disc rim.



How does it work? Simply tap your NFC enabled smartphone on the disc and you’re ready to start tracking with the LOC8™ app! Not only does this revolutionary new system allow for disc tracking, it also collects and stores valuable data within the LOC8™ app. Want to know exactly how far your disc traveled? It’s top speed? How about the exact flight path? All this is now possible with LOC8™.


More about LOC8™

We know you’re probably thinking, “That sounds great but how long is it going to last”? The internal components are molded directly into the rim to give lasting performance. The internal battery powers up with the LOC8™ charging pad in less than an hour. On a full charge, LOC8™ lasts for 6 hours with average (Par 54) use.
