Allen and Korver Conquer the High Desert

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Innova Team members Jennifer Allen and Juliana Korver had no problem marking their place in history at the High Desert Distance Challenge (March 26-28). In fact, they made short work out of it, claiming their world distance records within the first hour or so of the three-day competition in Primm, NV.

Jennifer Allen

Allen, 35, of Tuttle, OK, dismantled the women’s distance record with a throw of 568.5 feet (173.3 meters) with a 152-gram Star Wraith, besting the current mark by 37 feet. Korver, 45, of San Diego, took down the 45 (years old) and over women’s record of 381.7 feet (116.34 meters) with a throw of 443.6 feet (135.2 meters) with a 137-gram Starlite Tern.

One of her main goals for the year, Allen, felt deep satisfaction with her new record as with her entire trip, which also included the women’s mini throwing record too, throwing one 308-feet (92 meters). Being 35 she now owns the 35 (years old) and over distance and mini distance records as well.
“It’s a huge relief. It’s kind of setting in. I hope it stays a while and I hope I’m the one who breaks it,” said Allen, whose three children were excited to hear about her feat when they found out at school back home in Oklahoma.

Turning 45 years old in January, Korver, a five time World Champ, saw the distance event as the perfect time to take the women’s 45 (years old) and over distance record. “There aren’t too many opportunities to throw for a record so I wanted to take advantage of this potentially historic event,” said Korver, who quickly broke the record with a throw of 417.7 feet (127 meters) on her first set of throws and pushed it even further back to a mark of 443. 6 feet (135.2 meters) on her next set. It was her first world distance record.

Jennifer & Juliana

It was Allen’s very first throw that went the distance for her. And, she didn’t even see most of it because she was so focused on her next shot.
Korver however saw it and was impressed.
“Her shot caught the wind beautifully and went for a ride. It slowly panned out as it sailed forward. It was huge. There was no question at all in my mind that she had just broken the record with that shot,” said Korver.

Both women felt pretty good about the windy, but not too windy conditions that first day. If the wind was blowing any heavier, Korver said she would’ve had a tougher time placing the disc in position to take advantage of the wind.
“My record breaking shot felt good instantly (the first time she broke the record). I could tell that I got the nose of the disc down successfully, thus giving it a better chance of catching the wind,” said Korver, who instead of throwing a 360-degree drive, alters her golf shot for higher shots.